Roustabout and Roughneck

Released on = May 28, 2007, 3:49 am

Press Release Author = Bharat Book Bureau

Industry =

Press Release Summary =
Roustabout & Roughneck.

shows and explains what to expect when working on a drilling rig as a Roughneck and

Press Release Body =
Roustabout & Roughneck.

shows and explains what to expect when working on a drilling rig as a Roughneck and
Roustabout. The video was shot as it happens with no setting up of scenes or actors
playing at being offshore workers, just experienced guys doing their job - coveralls
covered in drilling mud, warts and all.

Our cameras accompanied Roustabouts & Roughnecks carrying out their work during
normal drilling operations - working on deck - preparing and loading tubular -
unloading supply vessels - sack room duties - mud pit operations - shaker room
duties, and during drilling on the drill floor

Drilling Companies go to great trouble and expense interviewing and recruiting new
Roustabouts, only to find that when they join a Rig, the new start does only one
tour and leaves the job. Common reasons given are "I didn't know it was going to be
like this" or "Nobody told me it was such a tough job". This video has been produced
to show new personnel what the job is really like, and if anyone is put off when
they watch it and decide not to go offshore, then you have saved a lot of time,
trouble and money - far more than the cost of this video or DVD

For more information kindly visit :

Web Site =

Contact Details = 207, Hermes Atrium,
Sector 11, Plot No.57,
PO Box.54, CBD Belapur,
Navi Mumbai - 400 614, India.
Phone:+91-(022)-2757 8668 / 2757 9438
Fax:+91-(022)-2757 9131

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